Attention contest!Dear young scientists, students of mining, ecological and related mining specialties!
Selection criteria. To participate in the trial, You have been an erudite student (any year of study), a postgraduate student or a young scientist from mining or mining ecology, and have a thorough knowledge on English. It should be noted that for the same indicators, the priority is given to the students. How to take part in the contest? It is necessary to write a short essay (one page in English) in which it is necessary to indicate general information about yourself and the motivation letter regarding the need for Your participation in the event. This document should be sent to e-mail: dichre@yahoo.com Application deadline: until October 18, 2017 (17:00 Ukrainian time) Consideration of questionnaires and interviews with candidates: - October 20, 2017
Important: essays, duly executed or filed after the deadline, will not be considered.
Press Service of the National Contact Point of the EU Program Horizon-2020 "Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy" Details by phone: 7446214 |