Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

SEVENTH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONFERENCE For students, graduate students and young scientists "SCIENTIFIC SPRING - 2016"

The Organizing Committee invites you to attend the annual scientific conference for students and young scientists of Ukraine to be held on 6-7 April 2016 at the National Mining University, K. Marks Ave. 19, Dnipropetrovsk.

Young scientists and graduate students are invited to participate in the conference.

The results will be published in the book of abstracts available later on NMU web page. The book will include only those materials which were accepted and presented in the session.

The deadline for abstract submission and/or registration is March 21, 2016

The organizing committee will be thankful for spreading this information among colleagues.

The contact person:

Chairman –Tregub MykolaVladimirovich.

Phone: (056) 373-07-20, inn. 5-17

E-mail – konferentsiia _ nmu@ukr.net


Section 1 - Mining technology mineral production

Section 2 – Mineral processing

Section 3 - Technology of engineering

Section 4 - Mining engineering

Section 5 - Road transport

Section 6 - Surveying and land management

Section 7 - Geoengineering

Section 8 - Geology

Section 9 - Labor safety

Section 10 - Ecological problems of the region

Section 11 - Electricity, electronics and electrical engineering

Section 12 - Automation and information technologies

Section 13 - Metrology, information measuring technology and measuring equipment

Section 1 4 - Economics and management in industry

Section 1 5 - Humanitarian problems of education

Section 16 - Cybersecurity and telecommunications

Registration is free of charge 

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